Become an approved training provider
Course Requirements
Approved RESP-FIT training courses provide the knowledge foundation and hands-on demonstration for fit test operators. It covers the core knowledge and skills that will be make up the assessment process for accredited fit testers. It is not mandatory for individuals seeking accreditation to have completed an approved RESP-FIT training course, but is recommended. Completion of a approved RESP-FIT course, does not make successful attendees an accredited fit tester. Refer to the “Join as an Accredited Fit Tester” on acreditation process.
RESP-FIT has developed a course syllabus based on AS/NZS 1715 and ISO 16975-3 for respirator fit testing training courses. Training companies are required to develop their own course materials against this syllabus and course requirements. The nominated trained must be a RESP-FIT accredited fit tester (for the nominated methodology), hold a CERT IV in Training and assessment and have demonstrated WHS qualifications and/or experience. These course materials and trainer qualifications will be submitted to RESP-FIT for review and approval. Once approved, these training providers will be an approved RESP-FIT training provider.
Refer to the documents page for the training procedure, course syllabus and the training syllabus response form for further information if you are interested in applying.
NOTE: The organisation does not need to be a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) but they will need to demonstrate their nominated trainer/s meet specific qualification, experience and knowledge requirements in addition to the submitted course materials, as outlined below;
Required Trainer Qualifications
- The nominated trainer holds a current Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (or equivalent or higher).
- The nominated trainer is an accredited fit tester under the RESP-FIT Program for the nominated selected methodology/s.
Required Trainer Experience & Knowledge
Demonstrated experience and/or knowledge in Workplace Health & Safety. This may be through the completion of the OHTA Basic Principles of Occupational Hygiene course, post graduate course in Occupational Hygiene, a professional grade membership of the AIOH or another IOHA Association, Workplace Health & Safety Qualification (Certificate IV or higher), or any AIHS general professional certification level as examples. It is not limited to the above, however it is the onus of the training provider/trainer to demonstrate this experience and/or knowledge.
The nominated RESP-FIT assessors will review the submitted course materials and nominated trainers demonstrated qualification, experience and knowledge. They will make a determination to approve the course to be a “RESP-FIT Approved Training Course” or will request further information for any identified gaps. Approval will last for 3 years before resubmitting again.

The associated costs for application and approved course are as follows (ex gst).
Application fee
Covers application resources and process.
3 year approval period
Paid after course approved. Covers ongoing administration, website & marketing support, certificate, card. No limit on nominated trainer as part of initial assessment.
Additional trainer/s
per additional trainer submission (Up to 3) to be reviewed outside initial assessment.