Become an accredited fit tester

The RESP-FIT accreditation is a two-stage assessment where the applicant must demonstrate theoretical and practical skill in general fit testing knowledge and a chosen fit test methodology specifically. The three fit test methodologies are:

  • Qualitative (QLFT) – Aerosol Taste Test (ATT)
  • Quantitative (QNFT) – Ambient aerosol condensation nuclei-counting (CNC)
  • Quantitative (QNFT) – Controlled Negative Pressure (CNP)

RESP-FIT is not assessing competence for other fit test methodologies, such as Vapour qualitative fit test with isoamyl acetate(IAA)/banana oil or irritant smoke.

Those seeking accreditation can choose to attempt accreditation for multiple methodologies. This may be undertaken in the same assessment process or choose to attempt separate methodology accreditation at a later date.


NOTE: It is not mandatory for individuals seeking accreditation to have completed an approved RESP-FIT course but is highly recommended as an approved course covers the base theory knowledge that is assessed in the accreditation process.


The accreditation process involves two stages to assess the knowledge and ability based upon AS/NZS 1715, OSHA 1910.134 and AS/NZS ISO 16975-3 including knowledge and application of the following:

  • Human respiratory physiology
  • Respiratory hazards
  • Respiratory Protection Program requirements
  • Types of RPD used for the fit test
  • Fit test methods
  • Set up and usage of fit test equipment
  • Conduct of the fit test
  • Identify the likely causes of fit-test failures


Stage 1 – Theoretical Assessment

Timed theory assessment (1 Hour) is a general online theory assessment (closed book) covering theory for all methodologies assessed under the RESP-FIT Program. The exam has sixty (60) multiple choice and/or True/False questions.  The pass mark is 80% for the theoretical assessment. The must be passed before undertaking Stage 2.

Exams are run monthly (scheduled dates below) at 1pm (AEST). Applications close for each exam 1 week (7 days) prior to the scheduled exam date.

Thursday 17th April 2025
Friday 16th May 2025
Friday 20th June 2025
Friday 18th July 2025
Friday 15th August 2025
Friday 19th September 2025
Friday 17th October 2025
Friday 21st November 2025

Refer to Section 4 of the Applicant Handbook and the Stage 1 Exam Preparation documents. Both of these can be donwloaded from RESP-FIT Documents Page.

Stage 1 Exam Frequently Asked Questions

No, it is NOT a mandatory pre-requisite to have completed an approved RESP-FIT course prior to accreditation. RESP-FIT acknowledges there are many ways that someone can gain knowledge and experience from workplace experience, supervision, mentoring, self-study, internal company training etc. The RESP-FIT training course syllabus learning outcomes have been mapped to align with the expected knowledge and content to be demonstrated in the accreditation process. If someone is new to the world of respiratory protection and respirator fit testing it is recommended to attend an approved RESP-FIT course as it will provide a good starting knowledge foundation to build upon. If someone is unsure if they have the knowledge and skills to go through accreditation, it is also recommended to attend an approved course as a way to gauge their knowledge, or as a refresher and potentially fill in any knowledge gaps.

Anyone at any time can apply for accreditation. However, we recommend only applying for accreditation when you believe you have the appropriate skills and knowledge backed up with practical experience. This may be not long after your course or it may be quite a while.

No, RESP-FIT does not provide any specific training/study materials. The content assessed through the accreditation process is based on current available Australian Standards (AS/NZS 1715:2009), OSHA 1910.134 Appendix A Fit test protocols and International Standard ISO 16975-3. RESP-FIT provides references to the different sections in these documents in the competent person criteria (as above in this document). It is also recommended for applicants to read the RESP-FIT website FAQs as this also covers information that may also be asked in the theory exam.

No, RESP-FIT does not provide any practice questions. The questions are based on the information in the listed standards that applicants should be familiar with.

The difficulty of the exam can be subjective and will very much depend on an applicant’s knowledge and experience in Respiratory Protection. One (1) hour is given to complete the exam and applicants generally take between 30 minutes to the full time allocation to complete and review their responses. If you are unsure about your readiness to take the exam, talk to a RESP-FIT Accredited Fit Tester and their exam experience. Read and review the referenced standards and section as part of your preparation. You are also welcome to contact RESP-FIT on if you have any specific questions.

No, you do NOT need to be an Occupational Hygienist or Safety Professional to be a fit tester or go through RESP-FIT accreditation. Historically, many Occupational Hygienists have conducted respirator fit testing and have been responsible for respiratory protection programs as part of their responsibilities as these are closely connected with Health and Safety controls and verification of those controls. Across many industries, inconsistencies were observed around the competence level and knowledge to be demonstrated for fit testers. One of RESP-FITs objectives is to provide a consistent benchmark for industries and workplaces aligned to ISO 16975-3 which details internationally accepted criteria of knowledge and ability for respirator fit testers. It also is for applicants to be able to demonstrate an understanding of the background and importance of these requirements. The RESP-FIT accreditation process seeks to gather evidence specific to these criteria to deem competence in a consistent manner. No matter an applicant’s background or qualifications in other areas, the assessment process and criteria are the same for everyone.

No, it is not a legal requirement to be an accredited fit tester. However, PCBU’s/Employers do have a legal requirement under WHS/OHS law to provide a working environment that is safe and free of risk to health, as far as reasonably practical. There are specific legal obligations that must be met when providing personal protective equipment (PPE), such as tight-fitting respirators, which include ensuring that it is a suitable size, fit and reasonably comfortable. Guidance on this is provided in AS/NZS 1715 which discusses respirator fit testing (for tight-fitting respirators) as part of a complete respiratory protective program (RPP) and is an accepted way to meet the legal obligations with regard to the supply of suitable and properly fitted respiratory protective equipment (RPE).

Engaging a RESP-FIT Accredited Fit Tester to conduct respirator fit testing, PCBUs/Employers can be confident they are implementing industry recognised best practice when it comes to the accepted and consistent demonstration of respirator fit tester competence.

Whoever is conducting respirator fit testing, needs to be competent to do so with demonstrated evidence for regulators and the company’s own internal standards.

RESP-FIT is charged by the system provider per exam attempt whether it is a pass or fail. The accreditation costs include one exam attempt; therefore if an exam re-sit is required there is an additional cost. This is also why we only recommend applying for accreditation when a person feels they are ready and not to rush to do it if you are still building knowledge and experience. It can become a costly undertaking if multiple exam attempts are required.

This is a commonly asked question from those in healthcare who often only fit test disposable/filtering facepieces and have limited exposure to reusable half-face or full-face respirators. Whether fit testing one or many different types, the same underlying principles of respiratory protection and selection apply.

There is only one exam regardless of which methodologies you choose to apply for or whether you fit test one or many different styles.

However, for the Stage 2 Practical video assessment you will be required to demonstrate or ‘describe in detail’ aspects of different styles, regardless of which respirator type you commonly work with, so some practical experience is recommended.

No, you are only required to sit the exam once every three years to keep your accreditation current. After completing accreditation for a methodology, you can choose to add an additional methodology at any time via the member login. However, a separate Stage 2 Practical video assessment is required to be submitted for each different methodology selected.

Stage 2 – Practical Assessment by video

On successful completion of Stage 1, the applicant provides a  YouTube link of themselves performing the nominated fit test methodology using the OSHA 1910.134 protocol* for assessment of practical skills by nominated RESP-FIT assessors. They will be assessed for correct technique and explanation of the process, including the importance of each step and pitfalls to avoid.

NOTE: This protocol has been selected for consistency of assessment. It is not a recommendation of this protocol over another. An accredited fit tester is not required to only perform this protocol post accreditation. If this protocol is able to be performed correctly, it is the belief of RESP-FIT that any of the other internationally accepted protocols would be able to correctly perform as well.

The practical assessment video is required within 3 months of competing the Stage 1.  A separate video (maximum 35 minutes) is required for each fit test methodology.  The applicant is responsible to ensure the video clip demonstrates their ability and competence. The video submission period may be extended by 3 months by paying the video submision extension fee of $100 ex gst. If a practcial video is not submitted within the extension period, the applicant is required to undertake the Stage 1 theory (at a cost of $200ex gst) to begin the process again.

* For QNFT-CNC this is the 8 exercise protocol NOT the modified shortened protocol.
A fit tester’s accreditation is valid for 3 years. Within the last 6 months of this period, the individual must reapply, pay fees and again complete Stage 1 and Stage 2 to extend accreditation for another 3 years (from the original 3-year expiry date).



Refer to the Accreditation Applicant Handbook on the documents page for further details on the accreditation process. Please review and understand this document prior to applying.

For information on the Re-Accreditation process and costs please go to the Re-Accreditation page.


The associated costs for application and approved course are as follows (ex gst).

$650 – Non AIOH members

for 2 stage online assessment through examsoft, 3 year accreditation period for 1 methodology, AIOH administration, ongoing RESP-FIT marketing and website support, certificate and card, details on RESP-FIT website, RESP-FIT ebadge and includes 1 year AIOH associate membership.

$550 – Non AIOH members who have attended an approved RESP-FIT course

for 2 stage online assessment through examsoft, 3 year accreditation period for 1 methodology, AIOH administration, ongoing RESP-FIT marketing and website support, certificate and card, details on RESP-FIT website, RESP-FIT ebadge and includes 1 year AIOH associate membership.

$450 – AIOH members

for 2 stage online assessment through examsoft, 3 year accreditation period for 1 methodology, AIOH administration, ongoing RESP-FIT marketing and website support, certificate and card, details on RESP-FIT website, RESP-FIT ebadge.

$200 – Exam

Additional cost to resit exam for each attempt.

$100 – video submission

Additional cost per additional fit test methodology video submission.

Accreditation to the RESP-FIT Program confirms that at the point of assessment, the individual was deemed competent of meeting the Programs criteria. It does not, in any way, imply the AIOH or RESP-FIT Program will bear any responsibility whatsoever in the event of a fit test provider failing to satisfactorily carry out their duties whilst fit testing (or any other service they may undertake)’. It is recommended, accredited fit testers are personally and adequately insured against such an event and have agreed to abide by the terms and conditions and rules of the Program.

It is the “RESP-FIT Accredited” fit testers responsibility to ensure they communicate to undertake accredited fit testing activities to which they have been accredited. Accreditation should not be implied against any fit test method that has not been granted accreditation to the individual and the fit tester must fully acquaint the customer of the area of accredited expertise.

NOTE: Partial refunds will only be considered under exceptional circumstances should you wish to remove yourself from the accreditation process at any stage. Full refunds are not provided once the accreditation application is submitted.