Author Archives: Mark Reggers

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Beard Cover Technique Position Statement

RESP-FIT is aware of the recent adoption of a beard covering technique being used in fit testing tight fitting respirators, particularly in Healthcare. This technique, known as the Singh Thatta,  involves the use of an exercise resistance band wrapped around a wearers chin/beard and tied up on top of the head to create a smoother […]

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Respiratory Protection for Healthcare Experts Webinar

The Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) and the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) held a “Respiratory Protection for Healthcare Experts: Meet the experts Webinar” in 2020. This is a recording of that webinar that be can be watched at anytime. If you have any questions please reach out to RESP-FIT or the AIOH.  

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RESP-FIT Overview AIOH Virtual Chapter Meeting

  On Wednesday 9th December 2020, RESP-FIT Chair Mark Reggers presented a RESP-FIT overview for a AIOH Virtual Chapter Meeting. a recording of the video can be viewed below or on YouTube.     If you have any further questions, please feel free to email RESP-FIT via or contact via the Contact Us page. […]

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RESP-FIT Officially Launched

The Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) officially launched RESP-FIT during the AIOH Virtual Symposium  which was run from the 30th November to the 3rd December 2020. It was launched by Diane Smith-Gander, Chair of SafeWork Australia. You can view her official launch video below. RESP-FIT is a Respirator Fit Testing Training & Accreditation Program […]